Garden Chime™ - Dahlia
Tuned to a harmonious pentatonic scale, this chime features dahlia flowers silk-screened on its colorful tubes. Spaniards reported finding dahlias growing in Mexico in 1525. They were used as a source of food by the indigenous peoples and were both gathered in the wild and cultivated. The Aztecs used them to treat diseases. Today they are cultivated in a vast array of colors, the flower head with the appearance of a star with surrounding rays. There are now more than 57,000 registered cultivars, which are officially registered through the Royal Horticultural Society.
UV is a versatile printing process that combines ultra-violet light and special inks. This unique technique allows us to print intricate designs and textures on a variety of materials. Woodstock is currently printing exclusive color designs on wood, aluminum, acrylic, and glass.